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Expertises - Thematics
Expertises - Thematics
      • Materials for maritime applications

          • 70.8 Musée pour l'océan
            BIG BANG PROJECT
            Brest métropole
            Bretagne Développement Innovation
            Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications  des Industries de la Mer en Bretagne
            Conseil Départemental du Finistère
            Conseil régional de Bretagne
            Crédit Agricole du Finistère - Filières Mer et Tourisme
            Crédit Maritime Grand Ouest / Banque Populaire Grand Ouest
            Crédit Mutuel Arkéa
            Ecole Navale
            ENIB - Ecole Nationale d'ingénieurs de Brest
            ENSTA Bretagne
            Espace Pur
            Finistère Mer Vent
            France Energies Marines SAS
            IFM (Institut Français de la mer)
            IFREMER - BREST
            IUEM (UBO/CNRS/IRD)
            Morlaix Communauté
            Pays de Brest
            Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
            Quimper Bretagne Occidentale
            Quimper Cornouaille développement
            SATT Ouest Valorisation
            Station Biologique de Roscoff - Centre de recherche (CNRS - SU)
            Station Marine de Concarneau / MNHN
            Technopole Quimper Cornouaille
            UBS - Lorient
          • Many cutting-edge industries associated with the marine environment are based at the tip of Finistère such as fisheries, leisure boating, transportation, defence and marine renewable energy. Specialists who can test the materials and structures that support these companies’ innovations have also found a home here.

            For instance, at the National Institute for Ocean Science (Ifremer), teams from the Behaviour of Offshore Installations Laboratory (LCSM) work to improve our knowledge of how structures behave in the marine environment. They look at materials and material qualification, as well as the hydrodynamics and mechanics of structures and their surroundings.

            Ifremer uses innovative tools that can replicate constraints in the marine environment, as well as an offshore testing site and a land-based test tank. These teams regularly assist start-ups and other companies by studying how well cables, ropes, anchor lines, fishing nets and other innovative composite materials withstand use and how they impact on their environment.

            ENSTA Bretagne engineering school also specialises in testing, with its Masmeca platform. This can be employed to study the strength of steel used in construction – both on land and at sea – as well as that of composite materials used in aerospace, defence, leisure boating, fisheries, the offshore sector, shipbuilding and marine renewable energy.

            This stands for ‘Du MAtériau à la Structure, MECanique expérimentale Avancée’

          • News
          • 34 2022 38 03 mars 1222 Explore2.jpg
            47 2023 65 12 Decembre 1922 1921 assemblee-cmm-2023-save-the-date.jpg
            47 2023 63 10 octobre 1939 img 20231012 101105993.jpg
            47 2023 65 12 Decembre 2002 assemblee1.jpg
            66 2024 70 02 - Février 2048 pieuvre 640x480.jpeg
            47 2023 63 10 octobre 1935 french-blue-tech-v6-actucampus.png
            66 2024 67 07 - Juillet 1913 img 20220706 154230.jpg
            66 2024 67 07 - Juillet 1917 banniere-flyers3-2024-s2.png
            66 2024 67 07 - Juillet 1916 banniere-flyers3-2024-s1.png
            21 2021 24 09 septembre 1042 photo de groupe Technopole.jpg
            47 2023 63 10 octobre 1919 visuel-acmm-rs-560x421.png
            66 2024 71 04 - Avril 2105 img 0068.jpeg
            66 2024 73 06 - Juin 2136 sonar v2.jpg
            34 2022 36 02 février 1172 1OS-Engagements.jpg
            66 2024 72 05-Mai 2103 4-tio image linkedin 1200x627 2024.jpg
            34 2022 44 10 octobre 1544 export photo rencontre immersion 3.jpg
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
Contact us
  • Brest Métropole
  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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