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      • Ocean Hackathon®: a hackathon at the cutting edge of data!

      • For the past 8 years, Ocean Hackathon® has had a distinctive positioning: developing innovation through access to marine and maritime data. Participants in the 2023 event will be able to integrate a wealth of data into their prototypes, and benefit from expert support.
      • Ocean Hackathon®: a hackathon at the cutting edge of data!
      • 85 challenges and as many maritime issues!

        From November 17 to 19, 2023, 85 teams in 14 cities around the world will develop prototypes to meet the challenges. Today, the marine environment is at the heart of many issues, which are reflected in the challenges proposed in each city.

        From one edition to the next, the challenge topics often reflect current issues. For example, in 2023, plastic pollution of the oceans was a theme addressed by several challenges. And an astonishing proportion of teams want to integrate artificial intelligence solutions.

        Whether you're a student or an employee, a programmer, an economist or a biologist, you can still join a team, as registration is open until November 12.

        Data partners committed to every city

        To develop their prototypes, teams need to integrate marine and maritime data, either from their challenge sponsor, and/or from Ocean Hackathon® partner organizations.

        Committed to a policy of open access to their data, these organizations work to make the data they acquire available for scientific research, the development of operational tools or support for public policy.

        The 2023 Data partners of the Ocean Hackathon® are: Blue-Cloud, GIS BreTel, Cedre, Cerema, Mercator Océan International on behalf Copernicus Marine Services, EMODnet, Ifremer, Indigéo, Global Fishing Watch, Météo-France, Océanopolis, Milieu Marin France, ODATIS, OFB, PatriNat, Pôle mer Bretagne Atlantique, Shom, Universitu of Le Havre and DIAS WEkEO.

        Depending on the challenges proposed and the data needs identified, the partners select datasets that can be easily retrieved by all participants thanks to the Ocean Hackathon® data catalogue. This catalogue is developed on Ifremer's Sextant data infrastructure.

        Some partners are also making tools available to participants (libraries, virtual machines) to facilitate data processing.

        During the Ocean Hackathon® weekend, teams around the world will benefit from the expertise of coaches from these organizations via the "Data Coach Center", an online server where all questions are welcome. This is invaluable help in identifying additional data sets, or in carrying out data processing correctly.

      • En savoir Plus
        Ocean Hackathon® website

        Ocean Hackathon® website

        The Data partners

        The Data partners

      • Published on 10/29/2023
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Technopôle Brest-Iroise
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