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      • The mission of the Clean Ocean Hub is to capture carbon directly from seawater using renewable electricity. Using electrochemical concepts, the aim is to eliminate as much of the carbon dioxide present in the oceans as possible. Finally, transforming this climate pollutant (CO2) into substitute materials to replace the products of extractivism (insulation panels, etc.).

        The aim is to help repair the causes of climate change by neutralising the excess CO2 present in the oceans. Several companies are already working on neutralising excess CO2 in the atmosphere. We'll need all the techniques we can get our hands on, because we now need to capture between 1 and 10 gigatonnes (billion tonnes) of CO2 every year to keep global warming within the imperative limits (1.5°C - 2°C) that alone will allow the human adventure to continue.
          • CLEAN OCEAN HUB
          • Contact
          • 1 Rue d'Estienne d'Orves
          • 56100 LORIENT
          • Office phone 0631831684
Campus mondial de la mer
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
525, Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
Contact us
  • Brest Métropole
  • Région Bretagne
  • https://www.tech-brest-iroise.fr/
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